Wednesday 24 April 2013

Many an elephunk

These elephants are so special to me, I'll never get bored of painting them!
2 more to be posted out tomorrow. Each of these are currently £59, handpainted, unique and personalised :) if you'd like one, just get in touch! Thought I'd include a progress picture as well so you guys can see how I do them...


Tuesday 23 April 2013

Oh, and...

I finished Kate Middleton :)

Really happy with her! 


Painting elephants tonight!

I love painting these... This one is for a lovely lady names Sarah :) Inspired by 'Elephunk' which you can see here :) 

And here he is finished!


Saturday 20 April 2013

Kate Middleton

Good evening guys!

So, tonight, after 48 hours straight spring cleaning, I decided to celebrate by painting Kate Middleton. Thought I'd share. I'm currently in the awkward half-way-through stage... Lots to do yet, but here's a WIP for you :)


Monday 15 April 2013

First blog post! Intro...

Morning! This is my first attempt at a proper blog... So I'll try my best, I promise!

I've started the blog for a feed at (which is probably where you're viewing this from!), so please check it out if you haven't already :)

So, let's get acquainted. I'm Cat... I'm an artist... But I'm also a musician playing for The Robbie Boyd Band amongst other projects. I'm 21 and spend the majority of my time driving up and down the M1 between Chiswick and Leicestershire. Good times. 
I hope you don't mind if this here blog strays into the realms of music as well as art... The two tend to intertwine and it's probably more interesting than 'So... I've been painting in my room for the 1056th day in a row.'!

Anyway... back to painting in my room for the 1056th day in a row!
